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Tag Archives | baking with friends

Bake with Dad this Father’s Day!

Bake with Dad this Father’s Day!

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than by spending quality time with Dad in the kitchen? Baking together provides a unique opportunity to connect, create lasting memories, and explore the world of culinary delights. This Father’s Day, consider stepping into the kitchen with your dad and embarking on […]

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Crispy Whole Grain Waffles

Crispy Whole Grain Waffles

Waffles have been a part of our collective experience for a very long time. Indeed, the sweet and hot breakfast treat has been a staple in American cuisine since before our earliest colonial days. Waffled can be enjoyed in the traditional manner, with butter and maple syrup. Or perhaps you like your waffles with whipped […]

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Bake Together this Valentine’s Day

Bake Together this Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate love than by indulging in a delightful activity that not only warms the heart but also fills the home with the irresistible aroma of sweet treats? Baking together with your loved ones is not just a delicious endeavor; it comes with a [...]
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Who Wants Some Pizza?

Who Wants Some Pizza?

Americans love pizza, so much so there’s an entire month dedicated to celebrating the dish. (October is National Pizza Month) American families eat so much pizza they consume the equivalent of 100 acres of pizza a day. Can you imagine? 100 acres of pizza a day! And who makes all that pizza? Well, Lots of […]

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Homemade Pet Treats!

Homemade Pet Treats!

Homemade pet treats are an excellent way to reward your dog, and to engage your children in the kitchen. During this time of social distancing, we are acutely aware of managing our time and money efficiently… and maintaining the health of our family and pets. Here are some of the benefits of making pet treats […]

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Designer Oatmeal Cookies: Baker’s Spotlight with Brooke Stamm

Designer Oatmeal Cookies: Baker’s Spotlight with Brooke Stamm

Brooke Stamm, Program Manager, Washington County 4-H and Youth, River Valley District, Kansas, has been baking as long as she can remember.  “I learned to bake while growing up doing 4-H. As young as I can remember, my mom showed me everything I know.” Recently the Home Baking Association presented roundtable SPARK sessions- Heat is […]

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What’s Abby Baking for Whole Day for Whole Grain?

What’s Abby Baking for Whole Day for Whole Grain?

With so many great whole grains, it’s hard to decide, but Abby Clement, The Whole Grains Council’s Stamp Program Manager settled on spotlighting her mom’s Apple Crisp.  This is, of course PERFECT when you’re coming into spring with a refrigerator fruit drawer with a variety of no-crunch-left apples.  These long-timer apples have the most flavor […]

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Let's Get Started "Adulting" ... before our kids are adults!

Let’s Get Started “Adulting” … before our kids are adults!

Bake for Family Fun month is a fabulous time to launch life skills essential to helping children, ‘tweens and young adults be less food insecure for life!  When you’re not sure if it’s worth the time sharing the kitchen, just think how disadvantaged for life you are when you don’t know how to read and […]

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Baked Gifts Unique to You

Baked Gifts Unique to You

When you’re a foodie you love sharing something unique.  Here are a couple to surprise and delight! View how to make Gingerbread Cookie Butter and launch a new trend in spreads! Bread shaping beats ice sculpting by a thousand!  Smiling Santa Claus is just one edible holiday centerpiece option.  Shape tiny Winter Mittens for your […]

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