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Tag Archives | baking lessons

A Baker’s Dozen Labs

A Baker’s Dozen Labs

Newly Updated – A Baker’s Dozen Labs digital & printed manual provides 242 pages of teaching material! Thirteen labs with first, intermediate and advanced culinary baking formulas and lessons.   Includes 32+ copy-ready resources and worksheets Appendix and an online Bakers Glossary that is continually updated at homebaking.org.  Classroom-tested labs teach over 35 National FCS Standards plus core history, math, […]

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Exciting Butter Book Offer from HBA

Exciting Butter Book Offer from HBA

The Butter Book brings food enthusiasts of all levels together to learn and master pastry, baking and cake decorating – SAVE $49.99 Founded by world-renowned chefs Sebastien Canonne & Jacquy Pfeiffer of The French Pastry School, The Butter Book is an online baking community with lessons designed to inspire delicious creativity in the kitchen. If you’re a beginner looking to master the […]

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