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Bake and Take!

Bake and Take!

The simplest baked item made and delivered by you is therapy for all these days.  In Kansas this practice became “Bake and Take Day” more than 40 years ago, launched as an opportunity to celebrate relationships with friends and family. Now a national promotion and celebrated throughout March, the Kansas Wheat Commission is teaming up with […]

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March Baking Calendar

March Baking Calendar

Spring is just around the corner, but that doesn’t mean there’s no time for baking! Spring is a great time to explore healthy recipes, nutritional breakfasts, and anything else that fuels your gardening and spring cleaning exploits!

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Dine-In with Neighbors as Family!

Dine-In with Neighbors as Family!

Keeping in mind the holidays can be lonely for people who may be right next door—at home, work or in the communities where we live.  Make it light-hearted and join Dining In for Healthy Families Campaign, December 3, 2019. The event host is HBA partner American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) and it’s December […]

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Holiday Baking Food Safety Sylin’ with Hot Chocolate Cookies

Holiday Baking Food Safety Sylin’ with Hot Chocolate Cookies

Baking food safely for those who love to gift or host doesn’t have to be tough.  In fact, you can let Mary Poppins’ rule “a spoon full of sugar helps” to get those baking food safety steps down!  To start, view the Partnership for Food Safety Education (PFSE) Story of Your Dinner webinar taught by […]

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