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Educator Award Winners Announced

Educator Award Winners Announced

Congratulations to the 2020 Home Baking Association Educator Award Winners! First Place Selection: Marla Prusa Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher Howells, Nebraska Entry: Pastry Pizazz Honorable Mention – Ingredient Inspired Elizabeth Hagan Bayard, Iowa Sugar Detectives: Uncovering and Examining the Sneaky Ways Sugar Transforms Baked Goods Honorable Mention – Community Service Inspired Marissa Johnson Savannah, GA Baking […]

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May Baking Calendar

May Baking Calendar

May 2020 is the month of baking at home, with folks baking in unprecedented numbers due to social distancing. Use this handy calendar to keep up to date with all that is going on.

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Bread Machine Tips

Bread Machine Tips

By Cindy Falk, Nutrition Educator at Kansas Wheat The bread machine can be one of the greatest kitchen tools for providing homemade healthy whole grain products for a home and family. Cindy Falk, Nutrition Educator at Kansas Wheat, has compiled several tips for working with a bread machine. Intended for both the experienced bread machine […]

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How to Bake A Loaf of Bread

How to Bake A Loaf of Bread

Bread has been a staple food in our Western diets for many thousands of years. The baked dish is formed by combining water, flour, yeast, and salt… it sounds simple for sure, but you’d be surprised how few adults can claim to have baked bread themselves. That is until now. Google trends during the 2020 […]

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Measurement Guide

Measurement Guide

Purchase a pack of these Measurement Guide cards to share with your classroom! Measurement Guide The measurement guide includes 25 standardized references for measuring. $8.00 (Pack of 25)

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You've Got Flour!

You’ve Got Flour!

Contact: Sharon Davis, Family & Consumer Sciences EducationHomeBaking.org, hbadavis@gmail.comDownload PDF of this release You’re home. You’ve got a kitchen. You’ve got flour! Homebound might not be all bad.  There are dozens of essentials you can bake. The Home Baking Association can help get that flour from the  bowl to the oven and on your table. […]

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Whole Grain Sampling Day

Whole Grain Sampling Day

The Home Baking Association loves to award bakers who share what they know with someone else!  Why not make make Whole Grain Sampling Day a part of your creative plans to teach OR share with a group of your favorite baked whole grain product and how you prepared it.  Whole grain (WG) flours or meal […]

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Living Well

Living Well

Our heads are spinning with virus news and cancellations.  No matter what, no one can afford to be sick.  There are some great resources to be accessed for Living Well Month with the national Family & Consumer Sciences professionals at www.NEAFCS.org Your  #1 Tip: Wash your hands.  1. Wash after you’re out and about.  2. Wash counters, […]

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All Bakers Thank the Irish

All Bakers Thank the Irish

The Irish, well-known for their hospitality, can help us get out the door to Bake and Take to a neighbor this month. Home Baking member and Irish Baker and Chef Gemma Stafford shares her Best Ever Irish Scones with video step-by-step guide.  On St. Pat’s Day itself surely you’ll be baking the daily favorite Irish Soda Bread, you will! It’s perfect to bake and take to work or […]

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Celebrate National Flour Month

Celebrate National Flour Month

Flour is such a staple ingredient in our daily diet, it could almost be its own food group. With flour serving as the framework for any type of baking and so many different types of flours available, it seems only fitting this go-to ingredient should be honored with its own special month.  Be sure to […]

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