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September Is Whole Grains Month

September Is Whole Grains Month

Every September, we celebrate the goodness of whole grains! The annual Whole Grains Month campaign brings whole grain recipes, health information, cooking tips, and much more to people around the world. Whole Grains Month is a great time for everyone to get on the whole grains bandwagon. Eating better is not an all-or-nothing choice. Every little improvement you make […]

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September Baker's Calendar

September Baker’s Calendar

Autumn in American households is a busy time of year, brimming with excitement and new opportunities. It’s time to come home from summer vacations, Back-to-School, time to harvest the bountiful offerings from the garden, and time to begin preparing for the holidays! Indeed, there is much to do! That’s why we’ve developed our September Baker’s […]

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Baker’s Spotlight: The Bread we Bake for Love

Baker’s Spotlight: The Bread we Bake for Love

Dr Kathy Patterson: Anadama Bread Some things in the Patterson/Montange household are not messed with…ever.  The bread they bake for home and family is one of them.  Recently I witnessed four loaves of bread disappear in one evening. Quietly, slice by slice, toddlers to parents to grand parents took slice after slice. Yum. Kathy, a […]

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Linda Bakes to Share Her Best!

Linda Bakes to Share Her Best!

Linda Beech’s love of baking began when  she was a young 4-H member in Saline County, Kansas. Foods and nutrition projects were a favorite, and besides gaining a wonderful lifestyle, Linda found her career. With a degree in Home Economics from Kansas State University, Linda taught adult and youth foods, nutrition and consumer sciences for […]

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Strawberry Shortcake’s on My Mind

Strawberry Shortcake’s on My Mind

Strawberries are here!  The ever-bearing strawberry plants in my garden have been winking at me for a couple weeks now.  I hold my breath.  There’s always that sneaky late frost.  It takes the early ones,  but some are forming up.  This variety is small but each a juicy flavor burst.  Thankfully the berries in the […]

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What’s Abby Baking for Whole Day for Whole Grain?

What’s Abby Baking for Whole Day for Whole Grain?

With so many great whole grains, it’s hard to decide, but Abby Clement, The Whole Grains Council’s Stamp Program Manager settled on spotlighting her mom’s Apple Crisp.  This is, of course PERFECT when you’re coming into spring with a refrigerator fruit drawer with a variety of no-crunch-left apples.  These long-timer apples have the most flavor […]

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Bake and Take Everyday!

Bake and Take Everyday!

Everyday is a good day to “bake and take.”  You’ll love Kansas Wheat test kitchen vintage Bake and Take Month recipe re-makes, Chef Tess’s innovations for baking creations, delivery labels and earth-friendly packaging options.  There’s something for everyone– you’ll find just what you need at HomeBaking.org Learn more about the history of this community-driven event and trend with […]

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Baker Bettie Bakes Up Sticky Buns

Baker Bettie Bakes Up Sticky Buns

The Home Baking Association welcomes it’s newest member, “Baker Bettie”  aka Kristin Hoffman.  “Baker Bettie” has been a life saver to so many of HBA’s baking educators with her virtual baking content during the pandemic,” shares Sharon Davis, FCS teacher and HBA Program Director.  “Her Learning Tracks and Workshops at www.BakerBettie.com are great for students […]

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Flour Food Safety

Flour Food Safety

From our member, North American Millers Association From toddler to grandparent – baking is the perfect family activity. Just don’t forget to include food safety in your recipe! Flour is a raw ingredient made from wheat grown and harvested in nature, and as such, it is possible for wheat to be exposed to environmental sources […]

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Baking Innovations Zoom Forum

Baking Innovations Zoom Forum

Join the Home Baking Association for a Baking Innovations ZOOM Forum Thursday March 10, 2022- 7:00 to 8:00 PM Eastern Time.  Baking Innovations:  Bake and Take 2022 Explore the rich history of Bake and Take Month  Bake the greats from 50 years of Bake and Take Take the latest in baking flavors and plant-based packaging  […]

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