
Post Archives by Month

Archive | April, 2024

North Dakota Bread

North Dakota Bread

Are you ready to elevate your bread game to a whole new level? This versatile North Dakota Bread recipe provided to us by Mike Leddige at North Dakota Mill is a culinary marvel. You’ll end up with no ordinary loaf – it’s a canvas for creativity and flavor exploration! Consider these endless possibilities: Nutrient-rich Ingredients: […]

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Enjoy Some Blueberry Pie!

Enjoy Some Blueberry Pie!

As April comes to and end, we have another delectable reason to celebrate: National Blueberry Pie Day on April 28th! This delightful occasion pays homage to one of the quintessential desserts of late spring and early summer – the blueberry pie. This classic dessert has a rich history and irresistible charm, holding a special place […]

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A Baker’s Dozen Labs

A Baker’s Dozen Labs

Newly Updated – A Baker’s Dozen Labs digital & printed manual provides 242 pages of teaching material! Thirteen labs with first, intermediate and advanced culinary baking formulas and lessons.   Includes 32+ copy-ready resources and worksheets Appendix and an online Bakers Glossary that is continually updated at homebaking.org.  Classroom-tested labs teach over 35 National FCS Standards plus core history, math, […]

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April is National Soft Pretzel Month

April is National Soft Pretzel Month

That’s right, it’s National Soft Pretzel Month – a time to twist, dip, and savor these doughy delights like never before. These delicious snacks are incredibly versatile, and therefore have enjoyed a rich history of captivating taste buds for centuries. Originating in Europe during the Middle Ages, pretzels were initially associated with religious symbolism, with […]

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Once Pecan A Time… it’s Pecan Day!

Once Pecan A Time… it’s Pecan Day!

There’s one particularly delicious day to mark your calendars this April: National Pecan Day on April 14th! This  celebration honors the nut that has captured the hearts and taste buds of people around the world. Native to North America, pecans have been enjoyed by indigenous peoples for thousands of years. Early European settlers embraced this […]

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Celebrate Kids and Pets Day – Bake Some Treats!

Celebrate Kids and Pets Day – Bake Some Treats!

National Kids and Pets Day is celebrated on April 26th every year in the United States. The day recognizes the special bond between kids and their pets and encourages parents to involve their children in the care and welfare of their furry companions. The event also highlights the importance of proper pet care and responsible […]

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